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Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity Training in Abuja Nigeria

Hearing how scammers preyed on people who fell victims to their hacks through phishing links during the lockdown, Bob was inquisitive to learn about hacking and its ethics.  He enrolled in a Cybersecurity training in Abuja and went through the programme that included Cybersecurity and ethical hacking. In diligence and consistency, he advanced in Ethical hacking and Cybersecurity.

XYZ Company Ltd. encountered a cyber attack where the company’s security system was compromised giving the hackers access to confidential information. The hackers demanded a ransom also in order not to top secret information. Bob as a computer security specialist was contracted to help sabotage the hackers effort and retrieve the data. On acceptance of the job, he signed a contract granting him the permission to handle the company’s information.

He got in, retrieved it and created a protection establishing a higher security patch which kept attacks from backdoor access.





Hacking is that process of discovering vulnerabilities in a system through cracking codes and exploiting them which many illegal hackers do. In Bob’s case, the practice of obtaining consent from an organization to gain access into the system to guard its security is known as Ethical hacking. Legal and illegal hackers are all hackers because they do similar things except the concept called Consent. Consent makes this activity legal through permission. Also, the intent for which a hacker penetrates into a system determines its legality. An ethical hacker is a certified computer security specialist who signs a contract to improve the security of the company. An ethical hacker is not only responsible for penetration and testing, they can do what illegal hackers do such as cracking codes with algorithm crackers.



Illegal hacking exposes victims to damage therefore, the remedy put in place to defend or repair damage caused is Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is the protection of computer networks, hardware and software from unauthorized illegal attacks and cyber threats. Cyber threat is simply what the illegal hacker did by threatening to expose the company’s resources. The stage where Bob augmented the security patch level against cyber threats/perils of the company’s system is called Cybersecurity. Hackers can steal identity, password, bank, account as seen with many social media platforms, username, or even spy on the target system and its users for many reasons which include intimidation and blackmail.

The skills and methods of curbing cyber attacks define cybersecurity. Cybersecurity tools and measures include anti-virus, password protection/authentication, anti-malware among many other measures to stay safe on the net. For more knowledge tricks on staying safe and keeping others too, a Cybersecurity course is available at Abuja Data School.



A situation where the hacker demands ransom in exchange for stolen information is Ransomware. This is not just a virus corrupting the system now but the hacker hijacks online resources for personal gains. The biggest ransomware attack that has ever happened is the WannaCry ransomware attack in Asia which occurred in May 2017. The hackers demanded a large sum of money in payment form of the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. It was estimated to be over 300 million dollars equivalent in Bitcoin that year. The targets were systems operating on Microsoft Windows. This attack encrypted users’ data locking them out of their system.



Hackers manipulate recipients to release identity deets, bank details, accounts and other information that are confidential. Social engineering takes different forms which are scareware, phishing, spear phishing, baiting, pretexting. All points to using recipients’ weaknesses against them by seeming genuine and helpful.



  1. Black hat hacker is a villain who forces his way into a system to corrupt files with malicious contents. Most times, this hacker’s intent is for monetary gains.
  2. Grey hat hackers discover vulnerabilities on a system, report susceptibilities without permission but also ask for money.
  3. White hat hackers break into the system with permission to defend the organization. A white hat hacker is an ethical hacker authorized to detect and solve cybersecurity problems.



Not limited to the list are famous ways of hacking systems:

  1. Phishing.
  2. Cookie theft.
  3. Virus and Trojans.
  4. Bait and switch attack.
  5. Denial of service (DOS) attack.
  6. Insecure wireless connection etc.



Protect: Examine patches, parse/track/crack encryption, protect the organization the ethical hacker works for.

Report: Inform software and hardware purveyor concerning any sort of vulnerabilities found in products that engineers illegally access.

Prevent: Create Intrusion Prevention System(IPS), Set up defense protocol to ward off future attacks.



  1. Reconnaissance: First step by gathering information through observations and research to continue the process of ethical hacking efficiently. Tools used for this phase are Hping and Nmap. These tools detect networks and internet protocol addresses.
  2. Scanning: Step two here inspect to spot vulnerabilities in the system. Nexpose software manages the vulnerability detection and prevention process. Nmap is also another security software useful for this phase.
  3. Exploiting: In a more noble way, exploiting refers to gaining access by the ethical hacker writing and rewriting some codes, blocking and granting relevant access to intensify the security of the system. In this phase, he is likely to retrieve data stolen with rigorous activities.
  4. Maintaining: This phase fixes the attack, secures the system, installs firewall to keep out backdoor access using Metasploit penetration testing software.
  5. Clearing access: The ethical hacker clears his tracks of the process.
  6. Documentation and Reporting: As the name implies, reports to the organization the vulnerabilities discovered and security put in place.



  • NMAP.
  • Netsparker.
  • Burp Suit.
  • Metasploit.
  • SuperScan.
  • SonarQube.
  • Nexpose etc.



  1. Operating environment Knowledge of the working environment is necessary as cyber attack protections are peculiar to operating systems such as Windows, Linux/Unix, Macintosh.
  2. Networking skills in packet tracing, packet sniffing, intrusion detection/prevention and scanning cannot be overlooked.

²  Programming skills necessary for ethical hacking are HTML, PHP, Python, SQL, JS.



  1. Creative thinking to predict activities I.e, Think like a hacker.
  2. Proficient about communicating risks and results found.
  3. Ability to work under pressure.



Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH) certification.

Linux Professional Institute(LPI) certification.

PenTest+(Plus) certification.

Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking certification from Abuja Data School.




Architecture Design Training in Abuja Nigeria

Ever fancied stylish spaces and buildings? Having an interest in architecture? Join up at Abuja Data School to learn architectural concepts, architectural design, tools, software and all it entails in architecture.



Architecture is the process of planning, designing and constructing buildings. The architecture determines the lifespan of the structure. Architecture is the civilization of past, present and future lifestyle. It is the living story of how societal values are reflected and effected by the built in environment. Architecture is the combination of art and engineering in the design of a building. The beauty of architecture is the value it adds to structures and how durable they last. The aesthetics and utility by the architecture of a structure determines its worth. Famous examples of architecture are the likes of

  • Trinity College Library, Dublin.
  • The Louvre Museum Paris.
  • Le Palais Garnier Opera House, Paris.

Architecture is for everyone. Though it seems hard to consider even choosing a career in architecture training in Abuja Nigeria sets to raise your confidence in going for what you are passionate about. Architectural Design is planning the aesthetics and the elements of a structure. The design gives a pictorial vision and modelling of the components of the structure.

Architectural design helps visually communicate what a building or space will look like. It involves the sketching, planning, scaling and drafting of prototype structures. This structural design is presented at the beginning of a project to give a picture of what the end results should be like.

Architecture is a profession that requires licensing for one to be addressed as an architect. Get licensed at Abuja Data School today!

Not all architects are for all projects, therefore are residential architects, urban design architects, landscape architects, commercial architects, industrial architects etc. Picking a niche is a good step to specializing in architecture.



With the advancement of technologies and computers, software that models for architectural design roll out among which are AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, Photoshop, Allplan etc. Architects use these software for drafting, designing, documentation and maintenance of structures and buildings. Software creates solutions to architectural challenges. These software are best learnt from tutors with experience and wider scope of knowledge. Abuja data school has experts who can lead through the design concepts, processes and levels of architectural design.

Computer-Aided Design(CAD) is an application software used to create designs. It is used by architects, engineers and graphic designers to develop visual structures. It replaces the traditional manual designing and drafting process in structural design. Examples of CAD are AutoCAD, 3Ds Max, Blender, SketchUp, Maya.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) as the name implies is a software for architectural purposes which provides solutions to every level of a structure’s development. Revit, Edificius, ArchiCAD, Revizto and Overview are examples of BIM tools.



Architects use computer-aided software to model and bring to scale blueprints drafted. AutoCAD is a computer-aided design software for 2 Dimension (2D) and 3 Dimension (3D) drawings of structures. It was first released in Southern California, 1982 by the company Autodesk. AutoCAD allows you to replace manual drawings on sheets. It is used to communicate design intent like creating bridges,  blueprints for buildings etc.



1)      Layout: AutoCAD is similar to a drawing board and so gives a view of the structure layout.

2)      Patterning: using measurements and calculations, the length, breadth, height and other dimensions of structures are drafted.

3)      Time saving: AutoCAD saves resources in time and money where pictorial representation gives a guide to what is to be constructed. That way, it reduces the cost of errors that might be encountered if done without a plan.

4)      Accuracy: this software is great in ensuring structures are drawn accurately.

5)      Estimation: AutoCAD helps to calculate the quantities of materials necessary for actual construction.



1)      Training: AutoCAD requires training to optimize its usefulness which is the reason for the architecture training in Abuja by Abuja Data School.

2)      Power failure: work can be lost in the case of a power outage if not saved.

3)      Cyber threats: as software on the computer, if not protected, are prone to viruses and other cyber attacks.




Revit is an architectural software that creates 4D models of structures from start to finish. Revit helps to plan the various stages in the development of a structure from the conception to exploration to sketching/designing to maintenance. Knowledge in AutoCAD makes learning Revit easier. Although, Revit and AutoCAD are quite different. AutoCAD is a drawing tool while Revit is a tool that designs and gives more details about structures drafted as well as seeing through the various stages it is expected to go through till completion and finishing. Unlike AutoCAD, Revit goes beyond the design to show the construction process. Revit creates visualizations that are photo-realistic.



1)      Update: for every change made, Revit updates work done on it. AutoCAD requires engineers to save every file.

2)      Planning: Revit is superb for infrastructure design planning.



1)      Uncommon: Revit is not very popular and so not used by many.

2)      Metric perspective:  the metrics and planes in the structure are hardly revealed due to its default feature.



Like we saw earlier what CAD and BIM meant, ArchiCAD is a computer-aided design and building information modelling software used to draw, draft and manage the processes of designing and constructing structures. ArchiCAD is able to meet the limitations of other architectural software. ArchiCAD is developed by the Graphisoft software company. First released in 1991 for Apple OS and in 1993 for Windows.


1)      ArchiCAD has a more coordinated design.

2)      ArchiCAD gives a touch of virtual features in designs.

3)      ArchiCAD is easy to use.

4)      Through collaboration, ArchiCAD gives room for teamwork in project building and management.


3D Model Design

Skills needed to be an Architectural technician:

Knowledge of engineering design principles and material properties.

Good computer skills.

Good problem-solving skills.

Creative and communication skills.

Understanding the processes of manufacturing and construction methods.








Project Management Training in Abuja Nigeria

What is Project Management?

Project management involves the planning and organization of a company’s or organization’s resources to move a specific task, event, duty towards completion or achieve an essential aim. It can involve a one time project or an ongoing activity, and resources managed include personnel, finances, technology, and intellectual property. Abuja data school has prepared all the necessary Intel, lectures and training necessary for the effective success of your organization or business. Project management has been proven to be the most effective method of delivering products within cost, schedule, and resource constraints. Abuja data school gives you the skills to ensure your projects are completed on time with an effective budget while giving you the product you expect. You will gain a strong working knowledge of the basics of project management and be able to immediately use that knowledge to effectively manage work projects. At the end of the training, you will be able to identify and manage the product scope, build a work breakdown structure, create a project plan, create the project budget, define and allocate resources, manage the project development, identify and manage risks, and understand the project procurement process.

Project Management Training

What to know about project initiation and planning

The main purpose of the initiation and planning stage is to determine the work that needs to be done to deliver the project products and solid foundations of the project before committing all their sources for the project. It is important that all team members must be clear on what the project is intending to achieve, why the project is needed, how the outcome will be achieved and what the members responsibilities are, so that there can be a genuine commitment made to project delivery after the initiation and planning. After effective and successful training at Abuja data school, you will at the end of the day be able to:

  1. Identify the key characteristics of a project
  2. Identify primary project constraints
  3. Define the role and responsibilities of the project manager
  4. Identify Project Organizational Structures
  5. Identify project stakeholders and their roles
  6. Know the key elements to be included in a project plan


Microsoft Project Training

What to know about budgeting and scheduling projects

A project budget is the total projected costs needed to complete a project over a defined period of time. A good project schedule helps all team members work together to meet project objectives. A project budget with realistic cost constraints is also an essential bedrock of any project. At Abuja data school, you will learn how to plan and stick to time and cost constraints in order to ensure the success of your projects and business. At the end of the training in Abuja data school, you will have been impacted with full knowledge of budgeting and scheduling of projects and therefore will be able to:


  1. Identify the resource needs of the project
  2. Convert work resources into activities
  3. Define what is needed to estimate activity durations
  4. Define workload and create a workload schedule
  5. Estimate the quantities and costs of resources required to perform project activities
  6. Select a necessary cost estimating techniques to determine a project budget
  7. Recognize the components of a project’s quality management plan


Identification and management of risks

What is risk?

Risk is simply a kind of action taken which may in turn expose self, or one’s business into harm or danger.


Risk management

Risk management is the process of identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating risks associated with any activity, function or process in a way that will enable organisations to minimise losses and maximize opportunities.

Abuja data school will help you manage project risk effectively by identifying, analyzing, and communicating unavoidable changes to project scope and aims. You will understand and practice the elements needed to measure and report on project scope, schedule, and cost performance. You will be equipped with the tools to manage your business risks effectively without bringing any harm or drop down into the activities of the business.


Tools for Project Management

  • Microsoft Project
  • Primavera


At the end of the training, you will be able to:

  1. Define the key elements needed to measure and report on project scope, schedule, and cost performance
  2. Identify project risk events
  3. Prioritize identified risks
  4. Develop responses for a high priority risk
  5. Describe causes and effects of risks, and ways to minimizing them











Customer Service Training in Abuja Nigeria


Customer service is the welfare given to customers, providing them with support, advocating for them in their usage, feedback and complaints before, during and after transactions or purchases. Customer service solely depends on the type of employee fitting into the position, depends on how he or she adjusts to the personalities of customers. Abuja data school will be taking us through concepts of customer care, customer journey map, customer analytics, customer service tools and relationship management.


Purchasing behaviour of customers

The purchasing behaviour of customers depends on the type of products that they need to buy. The behavior of a customer when buying food is a lot different from when buying a car. Based on observations, it is clear that purchases that are more complex and expensive involve higher deliberation and many more participants. Customer’s purchasing behavior is determined by the level of involvement that a consumer shows towards a purchase decision.  The amount of risk involved in a purchase also determines the buying behavior. Higher priced goods tend to be of higher risk, thereby seeking higher involvement in buying decisions. The purchasing behaviour of customers also depends on the kind of customer care service available during purchase. A good customer relationship management tends to convince and persuade customers to make good and more purchases. Also, a good customer journey map helps increase purchase power.


Customer Relation Management Training

Complex buying behavior is encountered particularly when customers are buying an expensive product. In this kind of transaction, customers are highly involved in the purchase decision. Customers will research thoroughly before committing to invest. Customers behave very differently when buying an expensive product or a product that is unfamiliar to him or her. When the risk of buying a product is very high, a customer might consult friends or families.

Also, customer involvement is very high at times. This might be due to high prices and infrequent purchase. In addition, there is a low availability of choices with less significant differences among brands. In this type of situation, a customer buys a product that is easily available. Customers will be forced to buy goods that do not have too many choices and therefore customers will be left with limited decision making. Therefore, customer analytics should be thoroughly dealt with in business, in order to aid best decisions.

Habitual Buying Behavior is depicted when a customer has low involvement in a purchase decision. In this case, the customer is perceiving only a few significant differences between brands. When customers are buying products that they use for their daily routine, they do not put a lot of thought. They either buy their favorite brand, the one that they use regularly or the one available in the store or the one that costs the least.


Type of customers

Discussed below are just a few of the different types of customers you should be able to identify in order to adjust your approach to them, engaging a good customer relationship management in your business

New customers: New customers are always going to have a few questions and may be confused about how things work but might not always know how to ask. Most times, setting a good customer journey map helps to visualize how to transact together. At times, they may likely require guidance through an issue that agents might find simple.

Impulse customers: These types of customers are quick to purchase when they get attracted to a product, but are not always good at bargaining. In situations where these types of customers get a product that isn’t exactly what they thought it was, they might be impulsive in calling customer support as well. The impulse customer does sometimes have a legitimate support concern and so should build good customer relationship management in order to help the impulse customer solve their situations.

Angry customers: Whether they are just having a bad day or have encountered the same issue many times, you will have to deal carefully with some customers that are not being very friendly. As difficult as this category can be to handle, it is important to remember that they are frustrated for a reason. Having a strategy in place for angry customers can have a huge impact, so you never want to seem unsure of the situation as this could frustrate the customer even more.

Insistent customers: Here we have a case of the highly informed customer types. These sets of customers usually do quite a bit of research before finalizing any sales and so have probably tried a number of solutions before they contacted the customer service. When dealing with an insistent customer, it is important to provide proof that you have a more effective way of solving their issue. Easy access to a knowledge base or other informational content can greatly improve this process.

Loyal customers: This should be one of your favorite types of customers, but they may also be expecting an even higher standard of service. Having been a part of your customer base for a long time, the loyal customer is the joy of the sales department. Yet, there is added pressure for the support team to be aware of and able to handle any specific needs this customer might require.

Customer service management system

Customer service management system has to do with the way you organize or manage your company’s or business’s relationship with your customers, both existing, new and potential customers. It has to deal with customer relationship management and customer analytics. In this sense, in the customer service training in abuja data school, we shall be going through the customer service management system and the customer service tools necessary to equip a good relationship chain.



Customer Service Training Programme


Salesforce features customer service scripts that help customer care service streamline their customer conversations, capture all needed information, and reduce errors. For call centers, scripts are essential for high performance in both inbound and outbound calls. Service Cloud call center scripts help service teams improve productivity, reduce agent training time and resources, and promote a consistent customer experience. The workflows enable agents to quickly navigate to the right script at the right time. Salesforce is a comprehensive customer service and help desk platform for businesses of all sizes and types. Its features include integration of multiple information sources into a centralized view, chat, customer self-help portals and communities, etc.



Zoho CRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool that aids businesses of all sizes to manage their sales, marketing, customer support, and inventory from a single system. To start using the platform, it is needed to create an account and get it verified, configure your settings, and import your data. Then, you need to integrate third-party apps, create workflows, and add users. The tool is a comprehensive customer relationship management solution that is easy to learn and use despite its robust features, which include lead and deal management, social media integration, and automated workflows.


Microsoft dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics customer relationship management tool is a piece of business software, built by Microsoft. It is a customer relationship management software that helps businesses manage their customer’s database, engage with their customers, and resolve customer service issues. The software also helps to bring all sales and customers data together into one single system, offering users a single source of consultation.This gives users a complete picture of their customers journey map, helping them track customer journeys, generate and assess leads, and seize opportunities.


Sugar CRM

SugarCRM is a cloud based application software for handling sales and marketing automation, account management and customer relationship management needs. SugarCRM offers features such as customizable home pages, a new-user “wizard” tool for newbies, a shortcut bar, enhanced view global search functions and downloadable plug-ins for providing extra features. SugarCRM is built on an open-source platform. This allows freedom in customizing the solution to fit varied company’s needs. SugarCRM also integrates with multiple third-party systems and can accommodate the new modules users can create with the built in functions. The software supports Windows, Linux, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle systems and can run on either a Windows or Mac operating system (OS).


Career prospect of a customer service executive

Below are a few career prospects one can engage in as a customer service executive.

Call Center Agent

As a call center agent, you can work at a virtual call center from home or work inside a call center. Regardless of the location, you will answer phone or email inquiries from customers.


Client Relations Associate

Client relations staff build and maintain relationships with their organization’s most important customers. This is a hands-on position working with assigned clients to make sure that they are satisfied with the company’s services and products. Your job is to ensure client satisfaction and to work with team members, other company departments, and external vendors to make sure customer needs are met.


Client Services Coordinator

Client services coordinators are responsible for ensuring tasks are completed. They may handle order processing, setting up and coordinating services, tracking deliveries and installations, and resolving customer issues. This job requires solid phone skills and the ability to juggle several tasks simultaneously.


If you are interested in assisting customers and are knowledgeable about hotels, restaurants, transportation, and any other information that can facilitate and enhance the customer experience, you may do well as a concierge.


Customer Service Representative

A customer service representative is the catch-all job title for many different roles in customer service. Customer service representatives interact with customers to process orders, provide information about an organization’s products and services, and resolve issues.


Front Desk Associate or Receptionist

If you have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to handle in-person and phone communications, a front desk position is a good job option. A position at a hotel, resort, or other hospitality facility will probably require additional hours working nights, weekends, and holidays.


Member Services Specialist

Member services specialists provide a high level of customer care to members. This job entails answering questions, providing services, and explaining benefits to members.


Patient Care Coordinator

Patient care coordinators work for doctors’ offices, hospitals, medical centers, rehabilitation centers, health care agencies, and insurance companies. They schedule appointments, get pre approvals from insurance companies, and arrange services and procedures.


Social Media Customer Care Associate

A social media customer care associate handles social media posts from dissatisfied customers. This role involves monitoring an organization’s social media accounts, responding to inquiries and resolving issues.


Technical Support Representative

If you have solid technical skills, product-specific software, application, or hardware skills, and the ability to troubleshoot, solve problems, and deal well with people, consider a tech support role.


How our customer service certification will increase your chances of getting employed

The customer service training at Abuja data school will take you through several techniques, methods and ways of how you can improve your skills of relating with people, customers precisely. Undergoing our training will take you through a lot of training on how to use different customer relationship management tools, how to identify different types of customers and know how to relate with them. You will be fully knowledgeable and skilled up on whatever that has to do with customer service and its management. Our certification will also help add more rating to your profile and portfolio, which will in turn give you a better review in the outside world.


Data Visualization Training in Abuja Nigeria

Power BI Training Programme in Abuja


Data visualization is important in assisting businesses in quickly realizing data movements and trends which would otherwise be an obstacle. The pictorial representation of data sets allows analysts to visualize new perspectives. With the increasing surge in data every day by day, considering the enormous amount of data, it can only be sorted and processed easily with the aid of data visualization, its techniques and tools. A dashboard, graph, infographics, map, chart, video, slide, etc. All these mediums can be used for visualizing and understanding data. Visualizing the data enables decision makers to compare the data to find better insights and deduct the importance of data visualization.

Analyzing reports helps business stakeholders focus on the areas that require attention. The visual mediums help analysts understand the key points needed for their business. Whether it is a sales report or a marketing strategy, a visual representation of data helps companies increase their profits through better analysis and better business decisions.

Also, humans process visuals better than any tedious tabular forms or reports. If the data communicates well, decision-makers can quickly take action based on the new data insights, accelerating decision-making, and business growth simultaneously.

More so, data visualization allows business users to gain insight into their vast amounts of data. It benefits them to recognize new patterns and errors in the data. Making sense of these patterns helps the users pay attention to areas that indicate red flags or progress. This process, in turn, drives the business ahead.

What are the purposes of data visualization?

The purpose of data visualization is pretty clear. It is to make sense of the data and use the information for the organization’s benefits. That said, data is complicated, and it gains more value as and when it gets visualized. Without visualization, it is challenging to quickly communicate the data findings and identify patterns to pull insights and interact with the data seamlessly.

Data visualization strengthens the impact of broadcasting messages for your audience and presents the data analysis results in the most persuasive manner. It spreads the broadcasting system across all the groups and fields within the organization.

Visualization lets you comprehend vast amounts of data at a glance and in a better way. It helps to understand the data better to measure its impact on the business and communicate the insights to the audience.


Data visualization tools and its benefits

Data scientists can find patterns or errors without visualization. However, it is crucial to communicate data findings and identify necessary information. For this, interactive data visualization tools make all the difference.

Effective data visualization tools are the key to unlocking big data. It can solve any data inefficiencies and easily take in huge amounts of data presented in visual formats.

By enabling users to understand data rapidly, visualization tools can quickly increase the speed of decision making as well. Timely actions result in averting any losses in the business.

A big reveal for any differences in the trends and patterns is vital for any business’s survival. It is critical to know what is causing increased losses or what is required to maximize gains.

Data visualization tools assist in exploring business insights to achieve business goals in the right direction. It helps to correlate the data from the visual representations or graphical representations. It allows for fast analysis and instantly digests critical metrics.


Tableau Professional Training Programme

It enables enterprises to stay on top of their game by discovering the latest trends through data visualization tools.

Without data visualization, businesses would have to spend much of their time customizing reports and data. The benefits of Data visualization tools optimize and instantly retrieve data from reports, thereby saving a lot of time.


Why Tableau for data visualization

Identifying the areas that need attention or improvement has become an essential part of any business process. However, it becomes quite tedious to detect factors that influence customer behavior and areas of improvement. Organizations need to act on data faster and more effectively to identify new business opportunities ahead of the market. They require the ability to access, evaluate, and comprehend their data to seek insights from them.

Tableau, a data visualization tool, offers new approaches to radically improve the ability to fetch hidden information. It leverages visual analytics that allows users to interact with data. By leveraging Tableau, users can visually interact with data to get insights faster, and make critical decisions. Tableau makes interacting with your data easy

Tableau is a very effective tool to create interactive data visualizations very quickly. It is very simple and user-friendly. Tableau can create complex graphs giving a similar feel as the pivot table graphs in Excel. Moreover, it can handle a lot more data and quickly provide calculations on datasets.

Users can create visuals quickly and switch between types easily to find the model that best represents your message.

It also aids users to manage a huge amount of data. It can create visualizations for a large amount of data without crashing. Also, the user interface is well-organized which allows customizing the view with a few clicks. It is extremely easy to integrate with multiple data sources.


Power BI for data visualization

Power BI is a data visualization tool that allows you to quickly connect your data, prepare it, and model it as you like. It gives you the power to transform all your data into live interactive visuals, create customized real time business view dashboards, thus extracting business intelligence for enhanced decision making. You can visualize data and share insights. This tool allows you to embed your custom visualizations into your app or website, connect to hundreds of data sources like excel, google analytics, IoT devices for real time data etc.

A major benefit of power BI is that it is one of the data visualization platforms that allows the development of better information presentations and designs whether they are charts, reports or other forms, as well as ensuring the security of the data. In other words, this set of applications enables the development of interactive graphic representations that promote the understanding of the information. In addition, power BI allows the personalization of all panels and reports and includes a data security system that protects the information and facilitates data management. Another advantage of power BI is that it encourages data integration, since it has the capacity to collect data from many sources and in any format either from a local software or digital platforms


Understanding Dashboard for visualization in Microsoft excel

What are Excel Dashboards?

Excel dashboards make it easy to perform quick overviews of data reports rather than going through large volumes of data. Helps in making quick and urgent decisions since one can skim through a lot of information at once and within a short time.

The dashboards help in tracking Key Performance Indicators with ease, which helps organizations track the progress on their targets in their businesses. They provide a high level summary of key aspects of your data to keep everyone in line with the progress, hence giving the organization a timely indicator for necessary action in real time.


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