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Graphic Design Training in Abuja Nigeria

Proficiency in Graphic Design Programme

Let’s go creative in the world of graphic design with Abuja Data School, Abuja Nigeria.

With the intent of creating content and  passing information to the target audience in a way pleasing to the eyes, this graphic design training in Abuja Nigeria will bring out that creativity in each and every one of us. Every man has creative abilities waiting to be explored by its host and this is an opportunity to show what potential lies inside us.

Guess you would like to know more about graphic design? As an introduction to what it entails, graphic design is made of two great concepts which are “graphic” and “design”.



According to dictionary meaning, Graphic refers to drawing or pictorial representations of a subject. On the other hand, Design refers to the plan, process, composition and pattern to which a structure would be affected. Focusing on the visual elements and motion, is a function of graphics, and it requires imagination and art while in design, thinking is paramount as it requires conscious effort and brainstorming to put the steps in place.


Graphic design is the organization and presentation of information using the principles of design and visual communications from linguistic methods to visual appearances. Abuja Data School would train you in the different forms of graphic design from static to dynamic/motion design. Also, Abuja Data School incorporates right methods of digital design and formats like SVG, PNG, JPG to retain quality on the web or when printed.


Graphic design is beyond drawing, sketching and painting, it is the fusion of digital elements and design rules to ensure the content to be passed is well packaged. Obviously, graphic design requires the ability to visualize concepts artistic in nature through the use of lines, shapes, forms, typography, color and texture to connect the mind of viewers to what a content is like. Graphic design is never complete if the basic principles of contrast, simplicity, hierarchy, alignment, function and exposure are not utilized as these guide the effect which a message will have on its receivers.

We can all agree that a relevant message with an appalling design can hamper the effectiveness in communication or better still a design totally off the idea of the message can also distract and even confuse the recipient.  This brings us to the efficacy of this graphic design training in Abuja Nigeria which will give in-depth training on graphic design. Abuja Data School training package is affordable.


Graphic Design Training Programme

Wondering if graphic design is for you? Actually, graphic design is for any and everyone as long as you have a message to pass to end receivers or audience. At Abuja Data School, you will see scholars who are also enrolled in the graphic design training and can build a community to share ideas.


Where can graphic design be applied?

Popular items where the art of graphic design is seen are magazines, books, advertisement, thrillers, memes, banners and posters etc.

Most often, graphic design is used as an advertising medium to target audience. Not limited to that function, entertainment industries through graphic design bring to visibility imaginations of characters and plot. The education industry too is not left out as classes go online and short clips and videos are made through graphic design to pass knowledge to students.


Still thinking if graphic design fits you? Yes it does as long as you can think of it, be creative and innovative. Abuja Data School is the best place to get started with graphic design because design experts are available to coach you through the process. Also, the procedure of Abuja Data School learning is not ambiguous.


What does graphic design aim to achieve?

Peculiar to the sender(encoder) and receiver(decoder) are the intents of transforming messages into visual elements. Although, among many purposes of graphic design are general/common reasons for which graphic design is an option in communication. There are:

  1. To inform
  2. To inspire
  3. To educate
  4. To make awareness.


Topics Abuja Data School will take you through

Below is an outline of what to expect in the graphic design training in Abuja Data School:

  1. History of Graphic design.
  2. Design principles and fundamentals.
  3. Graphic design tools.
  4. Elements of graphics.
  5. Evolution of graphic design techniques.
  6. Graphic design software and tools such as CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint.net, Photoscape, Vectr, Krita etc.
  7. Hands-on design projects.
  8. Advanced design skills.

And many more.



Just a little introduction to some of these tools used in graphic design. As we go on, we will encounter two basic types of editors which are Vector-based graphic editor and Raster-based graphics editor. Vector-based graphic editors are software tools that use mathematics formulas and geometries involving lines, shapes and curves to ensure precision in design. Raster-based graphic editors also referred to as “bitmaps” are colorized pixels which use strokes and other ready features which are applicable by clicking on them.



CorelDRAW is a very popular vector-drawing software which uses pixels for image editing and visual creation. It was developed by Corel corporation and released on January 16, 1989. It operates on Microsoft Windows and macOS. Furthermore, it is commonly used for advertisement, posters, invitation cards, business cards and newsletters. CorelDRAW is perfect for beginners.


Importance of CorelDRAW

  1. It is easy to use and beginner-friendly.
  2. It allows project customization.
  3. It comes with an In-app guide.
  4. Printing designs are easy on CorelDRAW.



Adobe Photoshop known as “Photoshop” is a raster-based graphic design tool for image editing and enhancement. Photoshop does a lot from retouching images to editing backgrounds. Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop CC, Photoshop Elements and Photoshop Express are the versions of Adobe Photoshop. It was created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll under the license of Adobe Inc. It currently operates on Microsoft Windows, macOS and iPadOS. Used in creating memes.

Importance of Adobe Photoshop

  1. Precision in drawing.
  2. Does not consume much data in file storage.
  3. Cropping and resizing of images is easy.
  4. Image transformation and background editing.
  5. Easy to edit images and videos on different layers.



Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based graphic editor that is used to perfectly draw smooth lines. Adobe Illustrator is suitable for professionals as it is quite technical for beginners. It was first developed in 1985 then released 1987 by Adobe Inc. It supports functioning on both Microsoft Windows and macOS.

Importance of Adobe Illustrator

  1. Creates animations seamlessly.
  2. Powerful graphics for web and printing without losing quality.
  3. Good for graphic illustrations.
  4. Files formats are in manageable sizes.



In a sneak peek, there are quite a lot to get your hands on after the graphic design training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School such as;

  1. Interface design.
  2. Digital art.
  3. Advertising.
  4. Web design.
  5. Branding.
  6. Motion graphics.
  7. Comic creation.
  8. Animations etc.



Microsoft Office Training in Abuja Nigeria

Microsoft Office Training Certification

Years ago, most businesses and individuals used the then Microsoft Office suite now Microsoft 365. It still hasn’t changed though which is why there is a Microsoft Office training in Abuja set up to give a head start on Microsoft365. Abuja Data School has experts who can take you from one level to another in the knowledge of Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 as commonly known as Microsoft Office suite is made up of Office 365, Windows and Enterprise Management and Security. On April 21,2020 the name changed from Office 365 to Microsoft 365 causing some confusion. This Microsoft Office training in Abuja will give in-depth training on Microsoft 365 and how to get the best from its several features. Microsoft 365 has various applications developed to meet various needs. These applications can be classified into Microsoft 365 core apps, Microsoft 365 business apps, Microsoft 365 Enterprise apps and Microsoft 365 standalone apps.


Microsoft Office core apps available at Abuja Data School:

1)    Microsoft Word.

2)   Microsoft Excel.

3)   Microsoft Access.

4)   Microsoft Outlook.

5)   Microsoft PowerPoint.

6)   Microsoft One note.

7)   Microsoft One drive.

8)  Microsoft Teams.

9)   Microsoft Publisher.

10) Microsoft Project


Microsoft Office business apps available at Abuja Data School:

1)        Azure information protection.

2)       Exchange.

3)       Intune.

4)       One drive for business.

5)       SharePoint.

6)       Teams.


Microsoft Office enterprise apps available at Abuja Data School:

1)        Bookings.

2)       Forms.

3)       Lists.

4)       MyAnalytics.

5)       Planner.

6)       Power Apps.

7)       Power Automate.

8)      Power BI.

9)       Stream.

10)   Sway.

11)    To do.

12)   Yammer.


Microsoft Office standalone apps available at Abuja Data School:

1)    Cortex.

2)   Editor.

3)   Fluid.

4)   Kaizala.

5)   MileIQ.

6)   Project.

7)   Visio.

8)  Whiteboard.

In this write-up, we will focus on most of the core apps. To know more about the rest apps, enroll for the Microsoft Office training in Abuja Nigeria hosted by Abuja Data School.



Microsoft Word or MS Word is a popular office app on the Microsoft 365 bundle that processes words. It is a graphical word processor used to type documents. Microsoft Word was first released in 1989 by the Microsoft company. It was initially called MS-DOS.

What is Microsoft Word used for?

  1. Microsoft Word is used mainly to create documents, reports, essays, dissertation, letters, learning materials, and readable office documents.
  2. Microsoft Word is used to format text , save texts and print as documents.
  3. Microsoft Word is much easier in formatting texts than tables and images. 

The benefit of Microsoft Word is the ease it gives in processing what we have in mind to written texts which can be read or even printed.

Abuja Data School will teach you how to not just type with Microsoft Word but also how to use its formatting tools to get outstanding results.


Microsoft Office Course



Microsoft Excel is an app used to create charts, graphs, and perform business calculations. It is what we popularly know as spreadsheets containing cells of data. Microsoft Excel through charts plan personal budgets, make lists, give complex reports, forecast future decisions and manage corporate finance. Microsoft Excel is not necessarily a database even though it compiles data and produces information. Microsoft Excel is good for calculation, formatting, sorting and filtering inputs. The Microsoft Office training in Abuja covers data crunching, What-If analysis, pivot tables among many others which can be used for analysis if you do not have money to use power BI.

What is Microsoft Excel used for?

  1. Microsoft Excel is used for financial/ business analysis.
  2. Microsoft Excel is used to manage projects and make strategic analysis.
  3. Microsoft Excel is used for office administration and managing operations be it personal or corporate.

Abuja Data School will teach you how to organize data and perform financial analysis, Vlookup formula, detach duplicates and so on which is used across all spreadsheets, in organizations, big and small.



Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation software that is used to create slideshows and animations for visual presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint is a great graphic tool that produces visuals of texts, images, audios, videos and other graphics using transition and live animating effects. Microsoft PowerPoint is used by students and those in the business world to give presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint is supported in only Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint used for?

  1. Microsoft PowerPoint is mainly used for presentations.
  2. Microsoft PowerPoint is also used to show the visual prototypes of existing or potential products.
  3. Microsoft PowerPoint uses videos, images, icons, animations and designs to make proposals lively.

At Abuja Data School, you will be taught how to create attractive slides that suit presentation purposes to avoid using an inappropriate style that could discourage clients.



Microsoft OneNote is more like a drag and drop software for activities. Microsoft OneNote is a digital notebook that allows you to insert ideas as you work and synchronize those jottings automatically. This Microsoft OneNote gives room for creativity, innovativeness as it reminds ideas that come in bits.

What is Microsoft OneNote used for?

  1. Microsoft OneNote is used to gather information.
  2. Microsoft OneNote is used to replicate things done using notebooks but with a digital effect.



Microsoft Access is a Database Management System (DBMS) that manages relational databases, stores information for reference purposes and gives analysis. Microsoft Access is easy to use in collating records and managing information. Microsoft Access is mostly used by small businesses to monitor their staff strength among other data housed on the database. Microsoft Access functions on Windows only.

What is Microsoft Access used for?

  1. Microsoft Access is used to store and update data in the database of an organization.
  2. Microsoft Access is used to break down complicated queries and perform multiple requests.
  3. Microsoft Access has the capacity to manage large amounts of information recorded in spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel.

There are different types of database model, DBMS software and securities which Abuja Data School trains on even through the different stages of setting it up in an organization.



Microsoft Outlook is an email-client application with modules that manage accounts, organize mails, add signatures and integrate some functions from other applications. Microsoft Outlook is email-based and has a calendar to invite others to an event, schedule events, share contacts, perform tasks or create to-do, book customers appointments and make reservations. These features function on the web only.

What is Microsoft Outlook used for?

  1. Microsoft Outlook helps in task management.
  2. Microsoft Outlook keeps a calendar.
  3. Microsoft Outlook creates team collaboration.
  4. Microsoft Outlook serves as a personal manager in relation to clients.



As we have seen with the various tools provided by Microsoft 365, finding a career is quite easy as the opportunities are unlimited. Here are a few of such professions:

  1. Project Manager.
  2. Data Analyst.
  3. Front Desk Officer.
  4. Business Strategist.
  5. Database Administrator and Manager.
  6. Customer Service Representative.
  7. Virtual Administrator etc.

Take the chance to earn these careers through the Microsoft Office training in Abuja by Abuja Data School.






Digital Marketing Training in Abuja Nigeria

Digital Marketing Programme in Abuja Nigeria

The “WHY” of Digital Marketing

Dynamism in trends, strategies and technology is inexorable as new ideas and inventions come daily to help live a better life. Your business deserves the best. Your existing business merits being better. Competitors are another reason why your marketing techniques should go digital. Your business has to stay up to date for it to remain in the long run.


How do you go about it?

Simply leveraging on digitization. Extending your market beyond the physical space to online mediums where you can get a wider reach of target audience. Superb right? You’re now a digital marketer.

Anyone can be a digital marketer but would you want to get preference? Digital marketing training skills need to be acquired. Certification also boosts confidence in that area. Ready to uplift you, Abuja Data School is set with its digital marketing course to get you equipped to be an outstanding marketer.


The “WHAT” of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a form of marketing through which you advertise to people digitally, encouraging company-customer relationship as well as managing feedback. In layman’s terms, it is known as “online marketing”; moving physical business interaction to the internet or through any device that can support what is being promoted. It requires understanding customer behavior, not how great you think your products or services are.

Digital marketing differs from internet marketing although both of them use online platforms and technologies to fuel similar purpose(s). Internet marketing is creating awareness on the internet. For this, you would need your smart device, data connection and the like to get your message to a targeted audience.

On the other hand, digital marketing is any advertisement or promotional activity that is compatible with digital devices and other elements like phone applications, etc.

Internet marketing strictly adheres to dealing with the internet while digital marketing uses devices be it for online or offline activities.

Inasmuch as this new form of marketing is quite different from the traditional marketing, its activities are not entirely new. It is only an advancement to the traditional pattern of marketing.


The “WHO” of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has a face. One who creates, plans and strategizes channels to reach customers, build brand awareness and promotes businesses all through digital means is a Digital Marketer. The role of a digital marketer is also to monitor performance and manage the mediums through which promotional services are carried out. The roles are inexhaustible which is even a skill to develop a career in. Nonetheless, they are what makes the advertisement more productive.

diploma in digital marketing

The “HOW” of Digital Marketing

Any medium through which a digital marketer explores his skills to meet a targeted audience who are willing to patronize his product and service offering refers to the Channels of Digital Marketing. There are many names to call this; ‘medium’, ’methods’, ‘means’ but they are all ways to market digitally. These channels can be used to lead to another marketing platform they are; Search engines, Website marketing using sites to reach receivers, Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter.


Types of Digital Marketing

With the intention to bring products and services to target audience doorstep, various channels as mentioned earlier are used which form the types of digital marketing. Bear in mind also, that every type is unique to what you have to offer and your expectations from the audience. There are 6 types of digital marketing as explained below:


  1. Content Marketing: is a way of passing information to the target audience through written texts, videos and other media. Anything could inspire content as long as messages intended to pass are relevant or pointing to what holds value. Blogs, videos, infographics, podcasts, checklists, e-books, case studies are examples of content used in digital marketing.


  1. Social Media Marketing: the lifestyle of engaging with social media platforms has become a norm. On Average, smartphone holders have social media profiles and tend to check their page(s) at least once a day. Taking advantage of it as users interact brings your brand to their awareness. Meta formerly Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram are great tools for business success if well understood on how to optimize them. By the digital marketing training in Abuja Nigeria, you get to be taught the proper social media to engage your brand that will pull traffic and engagements.


  1. Email Marketing: Email marketers through sending mails engage potential and existing customers. Email personalization gives a feel of uniqueness to the recipient. This way draws their attention to your advertisement. Mobile friendly emails have a higher percentage of being looked into by recipients.


  1. Affiliate Marketing: this is the oldest form of marketing where customers have the chance to earn more through spreading and inviting others. Successful promoters earn commission per invite. They promote the brand or product to audiences through sign-ups, subscriptions and patronage.


  1. Video Marketing: makes advertising much easier giving a visual display of products and services. It’s less time-consuming and easy to understand on-the-go.
  2. Short Message Service (SMS) Marketing: Sending information and opportunities in form of short texts through phones to willing customers.


Users of digital marketing

  1. Private businesses.
  2. Companies.
  3. Public enterprises.


Satisfactions of Digital Marketing

  1. Less expensive than the costs of setting up traditional stores, outlets and aesthetics.
  2. Convenience buying.
  3. Customer understanding and interaction beyond the immediate region.


Challenges of Digital Marketing

  1. Getting receivers attention due to inundating ads and interrupting pop-ups.
  2.  Channel optimization issues.
  3. Misunderstanding customer’s behavior.


Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing strategies are plans that show how your business will achieve its goals using online channels.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) using specific search keywords to make customers see your content. This makes your audience understand your brand, find results and get more information. E-commerce, organic search by text, local SEO using close ranges or ‘near me’ keyword, voice search through search engines are SEO options. SEO strategy is very important.

Search Engine Marketing(SEM) also referred to as Pay-Per-Click(PPC) advertising. It is a strategy that gets visibility from both organic and paid searches. Unlike SEO, which optimizes websites in order to get traffic from organic search results or Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), Pay-Per-Click directs to a site with ads paying for every click made.

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a strategy that optimizes social media platforms to convey messages and grow online presence using keys like hashtags and trends.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a strategy that transforms visitors to customers through making an actual purchase, using call-to-action or downloading products online. Conversion rates are high at first 5 seconds of opening the landing page, it improves the sales conversion of visitors to a website or app.

Digital optimization is important to meet customer’s needs, grow businesses and generate revenue. If not well planned, gains will not be easy to come by and as such the business goals online will not be achieved. It ranges from Blogging with SEO to tracking performances and engagements to investing in content for desired results.


Tools of Digital Marketing

  1.  Content quality.
  2. SEO, which makes web pages attractive to search engines.
  3. User engagement.
  4. User-friendliness etc.


Careers in Digital Marketing

  1. Digital Marketing Manager.
  2. Content Marketing Manager.
  3. Inbound Marketing Manager.
  4. Content Strategist.
  5. SEO Specialist.
  6. SEM Specialist.
  7. User Experience Designer.
  8. Data Analysts.
  9. Email Marketer.
  10. Social Media Manager.
  11. Search Engine Marketer.
  12. SEO Expert.
  13. Conversion Rate Optimizer
  14. Copywriter.

Get certified at Abuja Data school today!





Software Development Training in Abuja Nigeria

Software Development Training In Abuja Nigeria

IT skills are in-demand lately with the transformation of life’s activities.

These skills are highly sought-after both for those looking to take up as a profession or for individual passion and dream. Abuja Data School serves it all with the training required to fuel that zeal. You have a chance to enroll in the software development training in Abuja, Nigeria and up-skill from being a beginner to a proficient software developer. 

Ever wondered how things work from the internet to the components (hardware and software) of the computer system to the applications on your Smartphone, laptop, to your gaming consoles to your desired browsers or even search engines?  The power of software. Interesting right?

Software is a set of programs and instructions readable by the computer and used to control the computer system. These programs tell the computer what to do. It also allows you to command the system to perform tasks as you direct. Software components do not have physical presence as they are stored in digital form within the memory of the computer.

What is Software Development?

Software development is the process of creating a software from scratch through planning, analysis, deployment, testing and maintenance.  The process starts from conception to deployment and maintenance.


Who is a Software Developer?

Software developer is a programmer concerned with all the components in the development process of software. They research, design, test and implement software built from scratch or modify existing software. They can also be called “Software makers”. A software maker is a computer programmer who creates computer software.


Software Engineers vs. Software Developers

Software Engineers are likely called software developers as they examine products, identify problems and proffer solutions to issues relating to the software. Every software developer is unique as there are various areas to specialize like the web, cloud, application, gaming and more functions of software development. Nevertheless, they maintain similar approaches to software development and abide by the methodologies fit for particular products. These programmers customize software to companies specifications and make updates according to users’ feedback.


Methodology of Software Development:

The procedures of software development can be categorized as either a waterfall (follows a fixed sequence in execution), iterative (software are reviewed constantly by breaking tasks into short sprints and tests are multiple) or continuous model (a linear process that ensures the progression between the different phases minimizing interruption).

There are procedures and techniques from the creation to the execution of software applications.


  1. Agile: fast changing requirements and relationship with users.
  2. Lean: requires a well detailed documentation to the process and avoidance of unproductive activities in the process.
  3. Waterfall: follows the stages appropriately before moving to the next. Cannot be used for products with rapidly-changing requirements. It is linear though without customer feedback. Testing is implemented at the end of the development process.
  4. Prototype: working on prototype models given to the users to test, evaluate and give feedback of the product.
  5. Rapid applications development: requires effective engagement from the developers and the community of users.
  6. Dynamic systems: swift delivery and breaks down fixed processes into smaller looping parts.
  7. Feature driven: breaking development process into a feature list of the overall model focusing on an item at a time.
  8. Scrum: tasks are executed at instants for a fast result.


Choosing the right methodology which basically depend on your team structure is very critical in software development. At Abuja Data School, full mentorship on project requirements and getting the right teams for your development process is guaranteed.

Software development training in Abuja Nigeria

Types of Software Development:

  1. Application software development.
  2. Web development.
  3. Database.
  4. Mobile software.
  5. API.
  6. Embedded system development.
  7.   Security software development.
  8. Software tools.
  9. Data science.
  10. Cloud computing/ cloud based software.


Software Development Tools:

Every developer aims to deliver top-notch services and be efficient in software projects. Here are tools useful for the development process. These tools depend on the language and methodology of choice;


GitHub: an open-source platform for code review and management.

Atom: a powerful text editor that functions in any operating system.

Cloud 9 IDE: is an integrated environment where bugging and debugging issues are shared to get software development solutions from others’ experience.

Linx: a low-code tool that is used for development without coding.

GeneXus: is also a low-code platform that automates coding for software development and maintains the application.

Embold: a tool that manages the attributes of software projects.

Quixy: with its no-code feature, the development process is fastened through automation.

Zoho Creator: allows users to create customizable applications with less coding experience.


Secure Software Development

The term “secure” refers to protection, therefore, Secure software development is including security features/tools to a software from its development to its deactivation.


Software development life cycle

The course of events that brings a new software or already existing from a start to a final level up to its cessation is the life cycle of a software development. There are stages or most likely referred to as phases of software development life cycle. Peculiar to development teams, the phases are termed differently, nevertheless, there is a starting point and an ending point.

  1. Planning/Research phase.
  2. Design phase.
  3. Build/Document phase.
  4. Testing phase.
  5. Deployment/Integration phase.
  6. Maintenance phase.


Career Opportunities for Software Developers:

Areas to delve into as a software developer to avoid going in circles combining the bulk of each one without gaining mastery in any. Nevertheless, you can advance from one function to another as you grow in your skill. Abuja Data School is here to take you through that process, help you achieve that dream of excelling in the IT world.


  1. Application developers are programmers who develop software for specific purposes e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Office.
  2. System developers create software that mainly operate the computer like operating systems (Windows, Unix etc).
  3. Web developers develop software that are web-based e.g. www.abujadataschool.com
  4. Game developers build gaming software e.g. gamemaker, CryEngine.
  5. Mobile developers create software that runs on mobile devices.
  6. Data scientists.
  7. Big data developers.
  8. API.
  9. Embedded system developers.
  10. Security software developers.


Programming Languages necessary for Software Development:

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • C++
  • Java
  • Visual Basic
  • React Js
  • Node Js
  • Flash/ActionScript
  • Microsoft.NET
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Microsoft XNA.

Qualities to look out for in making a developer’s choice.

Enjoy solving puzzles and focus, Taking Aptitudes, Independent, Patient, Determined, Tech savvy.


Steps to becoming a software developer as a beginner:

  1. Be intentional about learning.
  2. Visit Abuja Data School www.abujadataschool.com to enroll for your desired course. Ensure to meet the requirements.
  3. Pick a learning path that suits you. If not certain on what to learn, share concerns with the team at Abuja Data School. Get a guide and be trained.










Website Design Training in Abuja, Nigeria


Website Design Training In Abuja Nigeria


Why Learn Website Development

Are you looking to learn or improve existing digital skills? The covid-19 lockdown was an eye opener to the efficacy of computer skills such as Website design and development, Android App Development, Data science and many others that seemed a big deal or needed a degree in Computer science to achieve but is now made possible by undergoing physical or virtual training at the website design school academy of the Abuja Data School – an institute specialized in the development of digital skills for professionals. The Website Design School in Abuja was birthed as many professionals are now seeking to establish their proficiencies to become qualified in order to offer website development service in Abuja, Lagos, Port-Harcourt or remotely. The need for a secondary source of income is a reason why others delved into acquiring digital skills and taking up remote jobs of which web design and website development is in huge demand for different organizations.


Website design and website development training in Abuja, Nigeria

Website design and development is one of the paths beginners are likely to take in their IT journey.  Although, Website design and Website development are used interchangeably, they are quite different. The interface that users interact with when on any web-based software is enabled by web design while the process that makes a good, ugly or bad interface is the development as it requires programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, Python and more. Web development is responsible for the building of web applications. In website design class put out by Abuja Data School, more clarity is made to understand other concepts at our website design school instituted as a department to serve the growing number of website developers in Nigeria. We offer insights on choosing a learning path, whether you are at the beginners, intermediate or advanced stage of website development and what to expect.


Content Management System (CMS)

A content management system is a tool that helps to make adjustments without necessarily having the technical skills to manage a website. There are many examples of content management systems, they are WordPress, Wix, Joomla etc. These tools ensures to help a complete beginner create and management websites in minutes. Majority of websites that exists on the web today are built using content management systems. Our website design school at the Abuja Data School takes learners through the stages of developing a website till completion. A complete novice can begin to develop website within an hour, our trainers are skilled to support learners with up-to-date resources to support their learning processes.

Who is a Website developer?

A Website developer mostly known as a Web developer is a programmer who designs, codes and builds the structure of custom web applications from the client-side to the server-side of the application. The client side is the interface accessible for interaction by users built up using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. While the server-side is the backend of the application which controls the whole function of the application. Server-side use languages and frameworks such as python, node.js, PHP, java etc. through the integration of http to communicate with the client-side.


Content Management System (CMS)

Who is a Website Designer?

A Web designer is one that is responsible for the visual elements and appearance of a website to make it appealing to its users. The concept, layout and graphics is handled by a web designer who also maintains its optimisation on search engines.

The Website Design Institute of Abuja Data School offers the opportunity to gain more knowledge through its Website Design and Website Development course in Abuja which covers from Frontend development to backend development to hosting and other phases that makes website architecture complete.


Careers in website development

Wondering what you would do after learning website development? There are numerous opportunities to harness with web design and development skills and take up as an occupation:

  •   Frontend developer: uses HTML, CSS, version control, search engine optimization (SEO) to maintain the website.
  •   Backend developer: frameworks, data structures and algorithms, APIs are used at the backend for more functionality. This requires advanced programming skills.
  •   Full-stack developer: comprising frontend and backend development skills.
  •   Computer Programmer: programmers translate computer programs into features that will make the software work.
  •   Database Administrator: sorts and stores information on the database.
  •   Software Developer: develop software and applications for systems.
  •   Writer and editor.
  •   User Experience (UX) designer.
  •   User Interface (UI) designer and many more.


Do you need prior knowledge of computer science? No. Abuja Data School through its Website Design School guides beginners on learning paths to take that eliminates ambiguity. Also, there is room for improvement if you already have existing skills and wish to advance through its various levels from beginner to intermediate to advanced level.

Do you want to go self-taught or mentored? In Learning Computer or digital skills, mentorship goes a long way and makes it more impactful as mentors guide one’s level of knowledge. Abuja Data school is the best deal because it customs lectures to your level…tailored to your choice. With its structured system, the learning process is much easier and guarantees concentration in the learning period.




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