

Artificial intelligence is an enormous branch of computer science concerned with constructing and building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually performed by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. On the other hand, robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. The goal of robotics is to design intelligent machines that can help and assist humans in their day-to-day lives and keep everyone safe. It is very necessary for you to enroll in the artificial intelligence and robotics training in Kaduna, Nigeria because, Kaduna Data School will be engaging you fully in the world of artificial intelligence and robotics. 

In this training in Kaduna Data School, you will also explore use cases and applications of artificial intelligence and robotics, understand artificial intelligence and robotics concepts and terms like machine learning, deep learning and neural networks. You will be exposed to various issues and concerns surrounding artificial intelligence and robotics, and get advice from experts about learning and starting a career in AI. Kaduna data school will be teaching you how to use the necessary tools pertaining to this field of technology. Kaduna data school will also be letting you know the career prospects you can engage in or fit yourself into. Technology of course is now a major stronghold of today’s world, most businesses and companies now have to install computers and robots in order to ease their stress of work. Definitely, in one way or the other, there is a cogent need for you to undergo the artificial intelligence and robotics training in Kaduna, Nigeria.

Major strongholds of artificial intelligence and robotics

Artificial intelligence electronic circuit. Microchip with glowing brain. 3D rendered illustration.

Here, we will be talking about the major parts of artificial intelligence and robotics. In other words, they are major branches guiding the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values. Machine learning is used in cases of fraud detection, spam filtering, malware threat detection, business process automation and predictive maintenance. Machine learning is important because it gives businesses and organizations a view of trends in customer behavior and business operational patterns, as well as supports the development of new products. Many of today’s leading companies make machine learning a central part of their operations. Machine learning has become a significant competitive differentiator for many companies. The artificial intelligence and robotics training in Kaduna Data School will be engaging you into machine learning and its applications.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a type of machine learning and artificial intelligence that imitates the way humans gain certain types of knowledge. Deep learning is an important element of data science, which includes statistics and predictive modeling. It is extremely beneficial to data scientists who are tasked with collecting, analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data, deep learning makes this process faster and easier.

Artificial Neural Network

An artificial neural network (ANN) is a system of hardware and/or software patterned after the operation of neurons in the human brain. They are usually simply called neural networks, they are computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute brains. Artificial neural network is based on a collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons, which loosely model the neurons in a biological brain. Applications of these technologies generally focus on solving complex signal processing or pattern recognition problems. Examples of significant commercial applications include handwriting recognition for check processing, speech-to-text transcription, oil-exploration data analysis, weather prediction and facial recognition.

Tools used for artificial intelligence and robotics


Scikit learn is the most useful and robust library for machine learning in Python. It provides a selection of efficient tools for machine learning and statistical modeling including classification, regression, clustering and dimensionality reduction via a consistent interface in Python. Machine learning applications built with scikit-learn include financial cybersecurity analytics, product development, neuroimaging, barcode scanner development, medical modeling and help with handling Shopify inventory issues.

Tensor flow

Among the various open-source platforms, TensorFlow stands amongst the most widely and well-versed tools for machine learning and deep learning. With its various features, it retains the versatility to operate in different use case scenarios. Tensorflow is an open-source library for numerical computation and large-scale machine learning that ease Google Brain TensorFlow, the process of acquiring data, training models, serving predictions, and refining future results. Tensorflow bundles together Machine Learning and Deep Learning models and algorithms. Tensor flow is also applied in the areas of speech recognition systems, image/video recognition and tagging, self-driving cars, text summarization and sentiment analysis.


The Theano is folded over the Keras. Keras is a Python library moderately that allows profound discovery that runs on the Tensorflow or the Theano. Theano was made to create models of profound learning and make them simple and quick to be feasible to put into some innovative work.


MxNet allows using a forgetful back prop to trade the computations time in return for memory. This is particularly useful in the case of a recurrent net that is in a long sequence. The tool has been built to ensure scalability, and it is easy to support the multi-machine and multi-GPU training. It is equipped with features like writing the custom layers in a high-level language.


If you like python and the way it does things, then Keras is just what you need. This is a high-end library that takes care of neural networks, which it does, making use of Theano and Tensorflow that is used in the backend. It picks up the architecture that applies to particular problems. It assists in recognizing problems through images which use weights. It configures a network for result optimization. Keras offers a very abstract structure that can be converted to any other framework for performance or compatibility.


PyTorch is an optimized tensor library primarily used for Deep Learning applications using GPUs and CPUs. It is an open-source machine learning library for Python, mainly developed by the Facebook AI Research team. It is one of the widely used Machine learning libraries.

Career prospects in artificial intelligence and robotics


Kaduna data school will also be taking you through the career prospects you can fit into, after being equipped with the skill of artificial intelligence and robotics in the artificial intelligence and robotics training in Kaduna, Nigeria. Below are some examples of jobs common for skilled people with knowledge in artificial intelligence and robotics, including a brief job description of each role.

Machine Learning Engineer

The main responsibilities of a machine learning engineer are the following: Running machine learning experiments using a programming language with machine learning libraries. Deploying machine learning solutions into production. Optimizing solutions for performance and scalability.

Data Scientist

The data scientist does the work of selecting features, building and optimizing classifiers using machine learning techniques. Data mining using state-of-the-art methods. Extending company’s data with third party sources of information when needed. Enhancing data collection procedures to include information that is relevant for building analytic systems. Processing, cleansing, and verifying the integrity of data used for analysis.

Research Scientist

The research scientist does the work of solving research problems that we don’t have solutions for today. Participating in cutting edge research in machine intelligence and machine learning applications. Prototyping, implementation, measurement, and iteration.

Business Intelligence Developer

The main responsibilities of a business intelligence developer are the following: Designing, modeling, building, and maintaining data for complex, extensible and highly scalable cloud based data platforms. Creating and maintaining the Enterprise Data Model at the Conceptual, Logical and Physical Level. Defining standard metrics and measures while establishing data security, quality, load, transport and performance models.

Big Data Engineer

The main responsibilities of a big data engineer are the following: Selecting and integrating any Big Data tools and frameworks required to provide requested capabilities. Implementing ETL process. Monitoring performance and advising any necessary infrastructure changes. Defining data retention policies.

Software Developer

The main responsibilities of a software developer are the following: Reviewing current systems. Presenting ideas for system improvements, including cost proposals. Working closely with analysts, designers and staff. Producing detailed specifications and writing the program codes. Testing the product in controlled, real situations before going live. Preparation of training manuals for users. Maintaining the systems once they are up and running.

Robotics programmer

The robotics programmer writes lines of codes in order to communicate with the robot and tell it to perform specific tasks.

Why you need to enroll in the artificial intelligence and robotics training in Kaduna, Nigeria.

If you equip yourself with the artificial intelligence and robotics skills, it will be a life changing skill for you. You can now build computer applications or robots that can help you perform several tasks in your business or organization, saving a lot of stress and time and also minimizing human error. You will definitely be a ‘hot cake’, and can therefore be easily employed in vast areas of the tech field. 


Administrative management has to do with the act of running, sustaining and maintaining a business or organization. Administrative management usually helps to create a formal structure that facilitates or enhances success for a particular business or organization. Administrative Management employees create a hierarchy of authority, decide on their key functions, assign the different areas of responsibilities and divide labour across the company’s departments. Abuja data school will be taking you through administrative management training in Abuja, Nigeria. How the roles within the business or organization needs to be shared to different authorities such as the administrative manager, the one who is involved in the planning, coordinating, directing and controlling aspects of the business or organization. Also, the administrative officer who is responsible for providing administrative support to an organization, by organizing company records, overseeing departmental budgets and maintaining inventory of office supplies. The administrative assistant works just like a clerk, they mostly perform clerical duties in the organization, most administrative assistant duties revolve around managing and distributing information within an office, answering official phone calls, taking memos and maintaining files.


Essential skills for administrative management

In order to enhance successful administrative management in your organization, you will need the administrators to exhibit some key skills. Knowing the necessary skills to be exhibited by the administrative officer, administrative assistant and the administrative manager in order to build a company or organization is a major area which will be discussed and thoroughly dealt with in the administrative management training in Abuja, Nigeria. These skills includes:

  • Technical skills

Today’s business environment is dominated by technology. A successful administrative management needs to understand and be proficient in the relevant technologies for their specific segment. This means that the administrative management must understand technology and know how to use and apply it within their particular discipline.

  • Human skills

Technical skill is related to working with things or applications, but human skill is related to working with people. This skill encompasses how an administrator interacts with their subordinates, equals, and superiors. A good administrative manager should have the skills to understand the people they work with, be receptive to their point of views and perceptions, understand their expectations and identify their strengths and areas of weakness. Human skills also include the ability to communicate well and to understand and be sensitive to the needs and feelings of the people you work with or manage.

  • Conceptual skills

This is the ability to see an organization and know how each part works and how it relates to other functions. This helps the administrative manager monitor proper coordination because in most cases, the proper running of one process depends on other processes. Also, conceptual skills allow the administrative management to better understand where they fit in the industry, the economic and market forces that affect their segment, and the role political and social forces can play towards the success or failure of their organization.

Strategies for effective administrative management

Some key strategies for effective administrative management includes:

  • Budget control and cost management

This is critical for the smooth operation of any organization. A successful administrative manager must have a strategy in place to administer a budget, manage risk and report any variances. A sub strategy of budget control would also include the implementation of cost improvement strategies.

  • Change control and management

It is always a challenge to manage change, not just at the team level but at a functional level. There needs to be an administrative strategy in place to manage the process of change, to evaluate that change, budget for it, implement it and ensure it is accepted throughout the different departments of an organization.

  • Delegation

This is a basic necessity for the administrative side of any business operation. If you want your business to run smoothly, assign responsibilities within the team. You also have to specify the levels of authority so that tasks are completed on time by those who are best qualified to do so.

  • Goal setting

This is a company-wide strategy but one that requires input from the entire administration. There has to be a strategy that outlines a clear action plan for the employees and states specific targets.

  • Leadership development

Effective administrative management includes a strategy to promote leaders from within, and this will require developing the abilities of existing team members and promoting their skills.

  • Performance management

Performance reviews play an important role in any organization. A good administrative management strategy would entail measures that provide feedback and direction to team members so that everyone knows of their value and is aligned towards achieving the same targets.

  • Problem management

Every business, big or small, faces challenges and setbacks. Administrative management often takes responsibility for identifying those problems, investigating the cause of the problems and proposing solutions to fix not just the problem itself, but the consequences it created.

  • Setting standards

An organization typically functions on the principle of providing value to its stakeholders. To do so, there must be a set of standards in place to ensure that the organization’s products and/or services are up to the mark and meet acceptable standards. Enforcing these standards should be one of the highest priorities of a company.

  • Team building

If you want to succeed, you will do so by using your people. To do that, implement team building strategies so that your team remains motivated. Team building activities are also important for developing team relationships and company loyalty.

  • Transparency

One role of administrative management is to provide accurate information to the employees and the public. All reports should be candid, and there should be no practices in place that would require hiding anything from the core team members or your clients.

Benefits of implementing strong administrative management strategies

In the administrative management training in Abuja Data School, we shall also be talking about benefits of implementing strong administrative strategies. Organizations now understand the important role effective administrative management can play in the successful operation of a business. Some key benefits of implementing strong administrative management strategies include:

  • Healthy financial situation

An effective administrative management strategy to ensure that the company’s finances are managed efficiently so that expenses remain under control and within budget. There is no unnecessary wasting of money or resources, and the company’s financial documents are in perfect order. If these areas are properly managed, a company’s cash flow remains steady.

  • Maximum productivity

Good administrative management always uses the strength of the team. This includes identifying which team members will be more successful at performing a certain task. By capitalizing on the strength of each team member, there is less mismanaging of time, greater productivity, faster results and higher motivation levels within the team.

  • Facilitating achievement of goals

A good strategy always supports the primary goals of an organization. Administrative management is critical in creating efficient processes and their implementation. The purpose of every project, policy and action within a company should be to reach an established goal.

  • Maximum employee and customer satisfaction

Efficient management will lead to a proper distribution of work and increased motivation among employees. When employees are motivated, their performance will be better, which will lead to happy clients and increased customer satisfaction.

  • Data-based decisions

An effective administrative management strategy will never be based on an assumption. it will be designed based on data related to the business processes. Any decisions that are made should be based on past and current information and future goals.



Pretty annoying when application navigation options are scattered, content layouts wrongly placed and flows from page to page inconsistent. It makes the application abhorrent and product disfigured. Before a final product is delivered to users, there are processes to get it up together so it can serve its specific purpose. Oftentimes, these products are designed then in the workflow samples are made to test users experience and most importantly get feedback. This is where the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) designers come into action.

Abuja Data School powering the UX/UI design training in Abuja, Nigeria is set to teach the fundamentals of product design and impact in-depth knowledge in participants on this subject. UX and UI are used interchangeably and therefore misconceived to be one and the same thing. It is no coincidence they both can exist in a product design which is the essence of this UX/UI design training in Abuja, Nigeria by Abuja Data School to extensively educate on their roles together and separately.


What is a Design, an Experience and an Interface?

A design is a plan that shows the features and functions of something before it is done. A design describes the attributes of a thing to turn it into a tangible object.

An experience is the encounter with an event or the practical event. In design, it involves the feel you get while using a product or working on a project.

An interface is an object of interactivity. Simply put, an interface is a system or instrument that allows external structures to communicate or take control of its functionality. For instance, a switch is an interface that allows the user to flip to whatever function he/she wants. Other examples include a remote control that helps select desired TV channels, temperature and many more.


What is User Experience (UX)?

UX design is about the whole experience determining how things would work on a design. Most times when this subject is discussed, UI comes first before UX. Obviously, that’s from the view of users because there first has to be an interaction with a surface before an experience can be felt. On the backend, the UX is prioritized as that is what serves as the foundation of a product while the UI is a finishing touch to beautify the product. Nonetheless, both work hand in hand to a product at its best.

One who deals with the experience of users and fashions the expectations of users is known as a User Experience (UX) designer. A UX designer works more with people taking keen look at problem overview.

UX design steps from research (user personas, use cases, journey maps) to brainstorming (user flow and wireframes), to implementation (prototypes, reporting) and this process is such that it continuously occurs. At Abuja Data school, you would learn all it takes to be a UX designer.


What is User Interface (UI)?

User interface is the connection between human and computer components to perform tasks mainly responsible for visual appearance. It is the graphical layout comprising screen layout, visual elements, interface animation and content.

The user interface design happens at the latter stage of the user experience (UX) design process. UI is concerned with how things look and where to put things creating a visual representation of the activities of the UX designer.

The User Interface of an application is in different forms of input control, navigational control, informational control and containers. The input control consists of buttons, toggles, checkboxes etc. The navigational control contains search fields, pagination, icons etc. Message/chat boxes, progress bar and tooltips give more information about the product and containers include accordion.

It is necessary to look out for typography, colors, spacing, icons and images, style and branding while designing the User Interface as these are its basic elements.

One who designs an interface to make it attractive and convenient for users is known as a User Interface (UI) designer. The UI designer role is a small part of user experience (UX) interested in topography, white spacing and color to give the user interface good looks on every device.

Steps in UX design process

To achieve an excellent user experience feature of a product, there are steps that apply:

  1.       Research: This is where surveys are taken, users interviewed to understand the needs and motivations of users. This step finds pain points, comprehends the needs of users before coming up with design solutions and offers possible solutions.
  2.       Analysis: This step interprets data and research into a clearer direction using data obtained from different sources. In this step, direction is provided as to where the process goes and gives a picture of how the problem can be solved to improve experience.
  3.       Ideation: Here, ideas are generated to find solutions to users problems. This step involves brainstorming and sketching. It does not necessarily show the exact idea that will work.
  4.       Validation: This requires testing new ideas with real people where users are given mock-ups and prototypes to test and give feedback before the actual product is built. To a reasonable extent, it gives an assurance of what would work.
  5.       Iteration: This involves going back to the stages to continuously improve the project. It happens all through the process.

Topics covered in this UI/UX design training in Abuja Nigeria

Abuja Data School will cover the following in this UI/UX design training in Abuja Nigeria:

Ø  You will learn behavioral design to keep users in a track of activities such as workout streak, personalized playlists in this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria.

Ø  Learn multi-color blend and gradients from professionals Abuja Data School has made available for this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria.

Ø  Get trained how to use big bold typography to lay emphasis on the right content in this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria.

Ø  If you see yourself as a UI designer, this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria will teach you to implement decorative elements, cropping images and adding highlights to retro visuals.

Ø  Be set to learn the process of workflow from research to prototyping in this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria.

Ø  As a UX designer, this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria will through creativity teach you to create unique features like in-app communication in product design to give users better experiences.

Ø  Expect to gain in-depth learning on wireframes, mock-ups and prototypes in this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria.


UI/UX Design Tools


Sketch is a design tool developed by Bohemian coding in Hague, Netherlands. It is beyond a tool for drawing, great for prototyping and wireframing. Good to note it is a vector-based tool which maintains coherence in re-sizing drawings. Sketch has lots of plug-ins to make product design efficient but does not have high speed. It is mostly used by professional designers. It has good graphics quality and runs only on the macOS.


Adobe XD

Adobe XD is an all-round tool excellent for design, prototype, collaboration and design management. It runs on different operating systems including android devices. It is quicker to use and easy to create responsive designs.



It is developed by Figma in San Francisco, California. Figma is a tool that makes design much easier with great features like being able to adjust to different screen resolutions, prototyping and built-in browsers. It has relevant features that are easy to use for beginners. It supports team collaboration and multiple users editing at the same time.



inVision is a design tool specially for prototyping which can transform stable files into interactive and high-fidelity dimensions. It runs on the web and cloud to allow team members to collaborate and contribute ideas. It gives a clearer picture of user experiences only that the fixed headers and footers restrict functionalities.



Balsamiq is a tool for wireframing with multiple contents in its UI library for ease of use. The library provides different elements which you can drag and drop on wireframing designs. You can run user tests before handoff to developers. It is good for creating low-fidelity prototypes. It allows for collaboration. Furthermore, it is available for windows and macOS.



Zeplin is a tool that automatically generates specifications and guidelines from static file designs. It is an auto-generator for code snippets of design files. It is more concerned with design collaboration than the product workflow to prototyping. Zeplin runs on different operating systems.



It is developed by Axure software solutions in San Diego, California. Axure is a tool for creating responsive prototypes and wireframes. Axure is very good at the end of the development process before handing off to developers. Learn more about Azure when you enroll at Abuja Data School for this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria.


Careers in UI/UX design

Great opportunities await you after your completion in this UI/UX design training in Abuja, Nigeria:

  • UX designer.
  • UI designer.
  • UX researcher and survey analyst.
  • Design architect/specialist.
  • Product developer and manager.
  • And many more.



A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that deals with creating, managing and analyzing data and then mapping all types of data. GIS connects data to a map, integrating location data (where things are) with all types of descriptive information (what things are like there). This provides a foundation for mapping and analysis that is used in science and almost every industry. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a kind of computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on earth’s surface. The GIS training in Abuja will be featuring how GIS helps users understand patterns, relationships, and geographic context. The GIS training in Abuja will also be discussing some of the benefits of GIS including improved communication and efficiency as well as better management and decision making. Other benefits will be discussed in the next sub header.

Benefits of GIS

In the Abuja data school, the GIS training will be enlightening us on some of the benefits of GIS, benefits you will acquire if you undergo the GIS training in Abuja.

Asset management

GIS allows you to see and sort the infrastructure and utilities that lie beneath a city’s streets, curbs and sidewalks. A typical utility map that shows sewer, water and storm infrastructure does not have a lot of background information displayed other than pipe size and type. The GIS training in Abuja will also let you know how asset management also helps you concretely track small details, like the exact location and frequency of water main breaks, making it a valuable tool in helping you assess your overall system.

Parcel management

Land agencies and land owners generally have a handle on who owns which pieces of property, but exact boundaries sometimes aren’t adequately marked or clearly defined, particularly in smaller towns. GIS can create a geographically precise parcel map using legal documents and plats to correctly display ownership.

Better informed decisions

Better access to information allows more informed decisions. Knowing the age or type of pipe, for example, can help define the schedule and scope of a possible replacement project; some parts of town with significantly older pipe can be prioritized. Definitely, the GIS training in Abuja will also teach you on how to make better decisions while running a project, what and which type of materials to use.


Central location

GIS allows you to tie in a virtually unlimited amount of data to your drawings and coordinate mappings. GIS is exceptionally good at tracking changes in your information and applying it in real time to your displays.

Clean and clear display of information

People are visual creatures. Intuitive, clear displays are enormously effective for decision making processes. GIS allows you to show all the layers of data you need at once, in a clean format.

Cost Saving from great efficiency

The system is used to improve daily fleet activities and maintenance schedules. In implementing the system, it may cost great savings in operational expenses, staff time and have an efficient scheduling. In the Abuja Data School, the GIS training in Abuja will also help you realize how you will save costs of expenses during a particular project.

Decision making becomes better

GIS is a known go-to technology, for it makes better decisions about area and location. Making the right decision about a certain location is hard and critical. That is why GIS is used to help and give an idea to formulate better decisions to implement.

Geographic Information System tools


ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based mapping and analysis solution. Use it to make maps, analyze data, and to share and collaborate. Get access to workflow-specific apps, maps and data from around the globe, and tools for being mobile in the field. The GIS training in Abuja will let you realize that ArcGIS is a software that allows handling and analyzing geographic information by visualizing geographical statistics through layer building maps like climate data or trade flows. ArcGIS offers unique capabilities and flexible licensing for applying location-based analytics to your business practices and also allows you to gain greater insights using contextual tools to visualize and analyze your data, collaborate and share via maps, apps, dashboards and reports. ArcGIS gives you everything you need to manage and extract answers from imagery and remotely sensed data. It includes imagery tools and workflows for visualization and analysis, and access to the world’s largest imagery collection.



Quantum GIS (QGIS) is an open source Geographic Information System that supports most geospatial vector and raster file types and database formats. The GIS training in Abuja will be teaching you on how the program offers standard GIS functionality, with a variety of mapping features and data editing. QGIS is a full-featured, user-friendly, free-and-open-source geographical information system (GIS) that runs on Unix platforms, Windows, and MacOS. The GIS training in Abuja data school will as well teach how forms and data preparation can be done in QGIS software and synchronized with the Input app using the merge plugin and repository. Input is not aimed to be a full GIS/mapping application. It is designed with simplicity, ease of use and seamless data synchronization in mind.

Esri maps

In Abuja data school, the GIS training in Abuja which you will be putting in for will be featuring how Esri supports the mission and business objectives of organizations around the globe, regardless of size. Esri’s ArcGIS products run in the cloud, on mobile devices, and on desktops. The content includes various web maps and apps featuring imagery, base maps, elevation, demographics, live feeds, landscape layers, and more. The Esri Maps focuses on providing general purpose base maps and reference layers, such as imagery, streets, topography, and boundaries, as well as useful thematic layers, such as demographics, which can support a wide variety of applications.



Career prospects in Geographic Information System

In Abuja data school, many career prospects will be discussed in the GIS training in Abuja. GIS is a very important field in world’s technology today, especially in geographical planning and telecommunications. Below are some of the fields where you can definitely fit in, after being equipped with the skill of geographic information systems.

GIS Manager

GIS Managers leverage location technology to plan, assist, and improve their cities. Learn how this city uses GIS mapping to fight wildfires.

Health Geographer

Health Geographers deploy a powerful combination of GIS, remote sensing and GPS technologies to prevent diseases and stop them from spreading.

Helicopter Firefighter

Helicopter firefighters use GIS to map incidents from the air, sharing vital information with incident commanders and city leaders to save lives.

App Developer

App developers and computer programmers are problem-solvers, using coding to build interactive web maps that visually represent geographic data.


Geographers study the earth’s surface, surveying how features form and change, the ways inhabitants navigate their environments and the effects of social, political and cultural norms. They gather and interpret data from a variety of sources, including field work, censuses, maps, photographs and satellite imagery.

Cartographers/ Photogrammetrists

Cartographers and photogrammetrists both review geographic data to create and update maps. However, there are significant differences in their approaches. While cartographers strive to create informative maps that can be intuitively used for reference, photogrammetrists create models of the planet’s surface that can then be used to generate maps.

Urban/Regional planner

Growing careers in GISUrban and regional planners strategize land use to accommodate various populations. They record and analyze information from censuses, environmental studies and market research to help communities more effectively fulfil residents’ needs.


Surveyors determine legal property boundaries, taking measurements for land transactions and engineering, construction or mapmaking projects. They use GIS software, among other methods and tools, to measure distances and angles with optimal precision. Data drawn from satellite imagery and GPS allows surveyors to create detailed maps and reports that guide planning and enable collaboration with specialists such as landscape architects, cartographers and civil engineers.

Why you need to undergo the GIS training in Abuja

The GIS training in Abuja will feed you intellectually, it enhances logical, mathematical, linguistic, spatial, and interpersonal intelligences. Developing GIS projects improves critical thinking skills such as analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating. At the end of the GIS training in Abuja data school, you will definitely be able to create and work with faster data, develop and analyze data for the geospatial analysis project, develop a large processing workflow, interpret and explain the results you obtained in a particular GIS data analysis.





Every business is open to progress. The big question is “How is progress achieved in a business?”. Amongst the numerous activities that go on to keep a business organization going is “the use of data”. The What, How and Why of data to a business organization is the main aim of the Data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School where data analytics, data science, business intelligence and visualizations are tutored. Data is powerful. It speaks volume of things done in the past and the progression of outcome by the operations of a business organization. Information obtained from data evaluated can be used as a guide to future expectations.


What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the process of analyzing raw data that have been collected to give more insights into a business and further guide in predicting the future from past and present events. Data analytics give more details bringing out the usefulness of  data collected. Insights gotten from the data can be used to improve the performance of a business. Introducing tools and techniques to power data analytics such that data collected are presented in ways that makes sense by accuracy, feasibility and coherence makes a business intelligent. More so, business intelligence is a category of tools and strategies established in a business to gather data, scrutinize its functions and present in a more appealing way called data visualization. Business intelligence helps to solve the problem of ‘what’ and ‘how’ of data relevant to a business.

It is important to know that data analytics is a subsection of data science although both technologies use Big Data but from different views. Companies use this big data for industry research. Data science combines practical mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence and machine learning while data analytics focuses on mathematics and statistical analysis. Data science dives into concepts like data mining, predictive modeling, machine learning and data deduction.

This makes the role of a data scientist different from a data analyst. In relation to business, data analysts are more effective compared to data scientists as after collecting and analyzing data, they draw conclusions by their presentations through visualizations of graphs, line charts and columns. A data analyst is easily understood by both the technical and non-technical arm of an organization. Unlike the data scientist, a data analyst interprets findings in a business-oriented manner.


Why Should You Learn Data Analytics?

The importance of data analytics cannot be over emphasized as it is used to make faster and better business decisions. It is used to predict future sales or purchasing behaviors of customers/clients. It analyzes the effectiveness of marketing and promotional campaigns. This data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria will teach you how to increase supply chain efficiency through these technologies. Do you also want to know how to boost customer acquisition and retention? Abuja Data School has a table set through this data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria.


Roles of a Data Analyst

Wondering what your line of activities would be if you join the data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria?

  1. Gather new data to answer questions.
  2. Translate relevant questions into solid analytical tasks.
  3. Manage and report user feedback using data visualization software like Tableau, Power BI, Qliksense etc.
  4. Monitor processes and practices to identify occasions for improvement.


Process of data analytics

  1. Problem statement. This process defines questions, establishes objectives and gives hypotheses. This stage of data analytics requires business metrics, soft skills, lateral thinking and Key Performance Index (KPI) to set objectives straight, identify the type of data needed and where to get them from. Tools helpful in this process include Databox, Dasharoo, Grafana, Freeboard.


  1. Data collection. This level is where you collect data from sources which could be internal sources (primary data) using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and emailing tools or external sources (secondary data). Data are in different types which are Quantitative or numeric data e.g. sales figures, monthly reports and Qualitative data e.g. customer reviews/survey. These data are grouped in three different levels namely; First party data (direct relationship with clients ,satisfaction surveys, focus groups or interviews), Second party data (first party data of other organization, website ,app, social media activity) and Third party data (obtained from numerous sources from a third party). Data collection tools include SAAS, Salesforce, Xplenty, Dswarm.


  1. Data cleansing. It is not uncommon for anomalies and errors to be detected in data. Therefore, this process cleanse data of irregularity, duplicates, missing data and major errors. It is in this stage that unwanted data are removed, typos are fixed, gaps filled and data are restructured. Oftentimes, data cleaning done manually is appreciated. Nevertheless, the tools for cleaning includes Openrefine, Python libraries like Pandas,R packages and Enterprise tools like Data ladder.


  1. Data analytics. This process analyzes data using techniques like univariate or bivariate analysis regression, cluster, time series. Analysis depends on your goal and set objectives according to the first stage of the problem statement. Categories of analysis include; descriptive analysis (examining what has already occurred), diagnostic analysis (evaluating why an event is happening), predictive analysis (projecting trend of historical data to forecast future growth) and prescriptive analysis (analysis to make recommendations for future).


  1. Data presentation. At this stage, results and insights regarding the data process are shared. This is where present findings give reports on discoveries and limitations encountered in the process of analysis. Reports should be unambiguous and clear. Reports, dashboards and interactive visualization are used to interpret results. Note that your interpretation will determine decisions that will be taken on the business which is why the data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria will groom you in excellent communication skills. Get to learn the tool for interpreting data such as Google charts, Tableau, Datawrapper, Infogram at Abuja Data School. Also, the Coding tools for interpretation includes Plotty, Seaborn, Matplotlib.


What Skills Do You Need?

  1. Mathematical and statistical skills.
  2. Programming skills like SQL, Python and Java.
  3. Problem solving skills.
  4. Good communication skills.



Data analytics will be much more efficient and effective with these tools. Each tool fall under significant categories:

  1. Spreadsheet tools e.g. Ms Excel, Google spreadsheet. These are good for inputting and viewing data.
  2. Databases e.g. relational databases such as Ms Access, SQL server, Oracle built for transactions and storage while column, document and graphs for views. Databases do not really analyze data excellently.
  3. Data visualizations tools e.g. Tableau, Power BI, Qliksense, AWS Quicksight. This is designed for people to use without learning coding.
  4. Programming languages e.g. R, Python. This is necessary especially finding a path in data science.
  5. Big data tools e.g Hadoop, Data lakes, Spark. Usually, Big data is too big to be stored on a computer which requires it to be shared among various computers.
  6. Cloud tools e.g. AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google cloud platform.

Hence, we would look at the tools that will be covered at the data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School.



Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It is compatible with Windows, iOS, Android and macOS.




  1. It can organize a large amount of data into charts, line graphs and histograms.
  2. It can be added easily to other Microsoft office software to create more visualizations.
  3. It programs with Visual Basic Applications which can automate and customize functions.


  1. It is more of a spreadsheet therefore cannot help to make instant decisions.



KNIME (Konstanz Information Miner) is a free and open source data analytics for integration and reporting of data. It supports the Windows, Linux and OS X operating systems.




  1. It is an open source platform for data analytics and integration.
  2. It has an interactive user interface with drag and drop feature.
  3. It supports team collaboration.
  4. It has a quality visual workflow and can handle large amounts of data.
  5. It is great in fast problem solving and  features multi-threaded in-memory data processing support.


  1. It consumes memory in large capacity.
  2. It is slow in speed.



SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a statistical software for data analytics developed by the SAS Institute. It is compatible on Windows, IBM mainframe, OpenVMS Alpha and Unix/Linux.




  1. It integrates easily with MS office tools.
  2. Better analysis is done using automatic code generation and SAS SQL.
  3. Interactive dashboards can be created for easy understanding of compound data.
  4. It has a proficient data management system.
  5. It is easy to debug.


  1. It is not open source and therefore cannot be utilized generally.
  2. Mining data text is hard.
  3. Slow in speed.



R Analytics is an open source programming language used mostly by academicians for research, statistical analysis and data mining




  1. It is easy and does not need a license.
  2. It can handle large datasets.
  3. It has incredible data visualization and graphic abilities.
  4. It is compatible with any operating system.
  5. It is open source and programmable with many features.


  1. Implementation of more programming languages, i.e. It requires programming skills.
  2. Large memory consumption and slow speed.
  3. It is not easy to learn.
  4. It is prone to error because of the language.



Python is an object oriented programming language. It is a general-purpose language used to create websites, data science, task automation, data analysis and visualization.



  1. It can handle data excellently.
  2. It is easy to learn and handle.
  3. It is flexible and can be used for multiple functions.


  1. High memory consumption.
  2. Speed limitations.



SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a powerful tool used to manage data and analyze complex data from any source. It is developed by SPSS Inc., acquired by IBM in 2009.




  1. It is quick and easy to learn.
  2. It has an interactive interface.
  3. It can handle any amount of data.
  4. It can import any data file format like csv, html, pdf etc.
  5. It looks like Microsoft Excel but can handle large data sets.


  1. It cannot handle very large data in a set.
  2. It is expensive.
  3. It has functions limited to what is in-built.



Stata is a friendly tool used mostly by social sciences capable of analyzing data to visualizing data. It is a statistical package developed by StataCorp for data handling, automation in reporting and visualization.




  1. It provides version control.
  2. It is easy to use.


  1. Its functions are limited to numeric data, and cannot analyze scripted data.
  2. It is limited to the functions embedded in it and particular data types.



EPI is a tool for data structuring and works with quantitative data. It was developed in 2007 by JM Lauritsen. It is only compatible with Windows operating systems  having cross-platform versions under construction.




  1. It is free for all users.
  2. It is easy to select subsets of data for analysis without deleting relevant data.
  3. It constantly saves analysis steps performed.
  4. It automatically includes all data points viable in calculations/tests.


  1. It is compatible with Windows operating systems only.
  2. It is quite difficult to learn.
  3. Its analytic options are limited to basic methods.
  4. Its graphics are appalling.



MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) is a computing environment with multiple programming functions used to manipulate and implement data. It was developed in the late 1970s by MathWorks. It is compatible with different operating systems. It is mostly used by engineers and scientists.



  1. It can easily perform computation.
  2. It is easy to test algorithms.
  3. It supports external libraries.


  1. It is an interpreted language, not a compiler and takes time to execute.
  2. It is expensive.
  3. It requires a large memory space.



DHIS2 (District Health Information Software 2) is an open source analytical platform that evaluates, reports and dispenses data for health schemes. It was developed by the Health Information Software Programme using Java programming language. It is mostly used by the health industry.




  1. It allows for easy importation of data from both technical and non-technical users.
  2. It allows users to send data from place to place without the internet.
  3. It is open-source and can be contributed to.


  1. The system of analysis is manual.



EViews is a software package for data analytics and statistical functions using time series for evaluation developed by Quantitative Micro Software firstly in 1994.



  1. It is excellent in managing data quickly and efficiently.
  2. It is very good for generating forecasts.
  3. It presents high quality graphs, columns and tables.


  1. It runs on only Windows.
  2. It is not easy for non-programmers.



SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language that is used to manage data stored in relational databases as explained earlier developed by ISO/IEC in 1974. It is a cross-platform software that runs on any operating system.


  1. It is known for its high processing speed.
  2. It fetches a large amount of data quickly.
  3. It does not necessarily require professional coding skills.


  1. It is expensive.



Kobo Toolbox is a statistical package that is free and open source. It is used mainly in the humanitarian industry and development sector to collect and manage data.




  1. It is an open source data collector used on mobile devices.
  2. It is free to use.
  3. It can be used offline.


  1. It is prone to errors
  2. It is a low-level control software which uses firmware.


Careers In Data Analytics

Data analytics skills are in-demand as most and many businesses seek to up their game. Looking at the benefits of data analytics to the performance of a business, developing a career in this field seems promising. Hence, the unlimited opportunities to position oneself through this data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School;

  1. Data analyst.
  2. Data scientist.
  3. Business intelligence expert.
  4. Data engineers/analytics expert.
  5. And many more.




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